Articles, Economic Letters and Quarterly Bulletin Boxes

The Quarterly Financial Accounts (QFA) team regularly publishes analytical work which offers deeper insights into QFA results, discusses methodological issues and highlights recent enhancements to the dataset. Below are links to some of these articles, economic letters and boxes.


‘New Insights from the Enhancements to Quarterly Financial Accounts’, by Mary Cussen, Quarterly Bulletin 02, 2015.

‘Deciphering Ireland’s Macroeconomic Imbalance Indicators: Statistical Considerations’, by Mary Cussen, Economic and Social Review, Vol 46, No. 2, 2015.

‘Housing Market Activity and Consumption: Macro and Micro Evidence’, by Daragh Clancy, Mary Cussen and Reamonn Lydon, Research Technical Paper, 13/RTP/14, 2014.

‘Reinsurance in Ireland’, by Anne-Marie Kelly and Brídín O’Leary, Quarterly Bulletin 03, 2014.

‘Why are Irish non-financial corporations so indebted?’, by Mary Cussen and Brídín O’Leary, Quarterly Bulletin 01, 2013.

‘Housing Equity Withdrawals in Ireland’, Reamonn Lydon and Brídín O’Leary, Quarterly Bulletin 01, 2013.

‘The Impact of the Financial Turmoil in Ireland’, by Mary Cussen, Donal Smith, Brídín O’Leary, Quarterly Bulletin 02, 2012.

‘Treatment of Special Bank Interventions in Irish Government Statistics’, by Mary Cussen and Mick Lucey, Quarterly Bulletin 04, 2011.

‘The Rise and Fall of Sectoral Net Wealth in Ireland’, by Mary Cussen and Gillian Phelan, Quarterly Bulletin 03, 2011.

Irish Households - Assessing the Impact of the Economic Crisis (Cussen and Phelan) by Mary Cussen and Gillian Phelan, Quarterly Bulletin 04, 2010.

‘The impact of asset price trends on Irish households’, by Mary Cussen, John Kelly and Gillian Phelan, Quarterly Bulletin 03, 2008.

Net Worth of Ireland: An Update’, by John Kelly, Mary Cussen and Gillian Phelan, Quarterly Bulletin 03, 2007.

Economic Letters

Identifying Inter-Sectoral Exposures in Ireland using Network Analysis’ by Mary Cussen, Economic Letter Series, Vol. 2017, No. 3.

‘Housing market developments and household consumption’, by Daragh Clancy, Mary Cussen and Reamonn Lydon, Vol. 2014, No. 9.

Quarterly Bulletin Boxes

Household Financial Assets across Europe: Boom, Bust and Recovery’, By Kenneth Devine, Quarterly Bulletin 04, 2016.

‘Trends in Net Lending and Borrowing by Economic Sector – A Euro Area Comparison’ By Mary Cussen and Kenneth Devine, Quarterly Bulletin 01, 2016.

‘Box B: Analysis of Recent Trends in Households’ Debt Reduction’, By Anne-Marie Kelly and Brídín O’Leary, Quarterly Bulletin 2014