Our Strategy (September 2024)

Our Strategy – Themes

With June 2024 marking the half-way point in the implementation of our five-year Strategy (2022 –2026), we reviewed our operating context and progress, to ensure our strategic goals remain valid and responsive to the changes taking place within the economy and financial system. 

We concluded from this review that the strategic direction the Central Bank Commission set out in Our Strategy (2022 - 2026) remains valid. As we continue to pursue our underlying strategic goals over the coming three years, we have taken the opportunity to refresh our published Strategy, which is now effective up to the end of 2027.

The refreshed Strategy (2025 – 2027) will continue to enable us to fulfil our Mission and Vision guided by the objective set out in the Central Bank Act 1942, which states that the Central Bank’s  “constant and predominant aim shall be the welfare of the people as a whole”.

Our Strategy (September 2024) | pdf 2629 KB

Strategic Themes

Our Strategy centres around four strategic themes.

  1. Future-Focused

    Being Future-Focused is critical to enabling the Central Bank to better understand, anticipate and adapt in the context of the far-reaching changes taking place within the economy and financial sector, with a particular emphasis on technological innovation, climate transition and geo-political change.  

  2. Open & Engaged

    By being Open & Engaged, we are emphasising the critical priority for the Central Bank to listen to our stakeholders, engaging in dialogue and learning, so that we can contribute to building trust in the financial system and foster a wider understanding of the Central Bank’s role.

  3. Transforming

    By Transforming, we aim to enhance how our organisation operates, so that we enable more efficient, effective, adaptive and innovative ways of working, leveraging the resources of One Bank while managing our core operating costs as our workload continues to increase in terms of volume and complexity. Central to this is the need to support our people to perform their roles individually and collectively, using data and technology to deliver efficient and effective processes, in an environment that is conducive to living our values.

  4. Safeguarding

    Supported by the other strategic themes, Safeguarding reflects our steadfast commitment to strengthen the design, implementation and operation of our core policy and supervisory frameworks. It is through these frameworks that we deliver on our statutory functions.

Public Sector Human Rights and Equality Duty

In developing our five-year Strategy (2022 – 2026) (PDF 5.69MB), and as part of the review we undertook at the halfway point in 2024 (PDF 2.57MB), the Central Bank considered its role under the Public Sector Human Rights and Equality Duty, and conducted an assessment of the equality and human rights issues relevant to our purpose and functions. We also outlined an action plan we are progressing to meet our Public Sector Human Rights and Equality Duty. 

Fulfilling our Public Sector Duty Assessment & Action Plan | pdf 437 KB

Previous Strategic Plans

See also: