Employers and Public Liability Insurance

National Claims Information Database

Employers' liability and public liability insurance is the second class of insurance to be included in the NCID. The Central Bank started collecting this data in Q4 2020 and the first report on employers' liability and public liability insurance was published in H1 2021. An employers' liability and public liability insurance report will consequently be published on an annual basis.


2024 - Liability Mid-Year Data Release 2

NCID Employers’ Liability and Public Liability Insurance Release 2 | pdf 666 KB Annex NCID Employers' Liability and Public Liability Data Release 2 | xlsx 96 KB

2024 - Liability Report 3

NCID Employers' Liability, Public Liability and Commercial Property Insurance Report 3 | pdf 2588 KB Annex NCID Employers' Liability and Public Liability Insurance Report 3 | xlsx 153 KB

2023 - Liability Mid-Year Data Release 1

NCID Employers' Liability and Public Liability Insurance Release 1 | pdf 894 KB Annex NCID Employers' Liability and Public Liability Data Release 1 | xls 99 KB

2022 – Liability Report 2 

NCID Employers' Liability, Public Liability and Commercial Property Insurance Report 2 | pdf 2122 KB Annex NCID Employers' Liability and Public Liability Insurance Report 2 | xls 119 KB

2021 – Liability Report 1

NCID Employers' Liability, Public Liability and Commercial Property Insurance Report 1 | pdf 1547 KB Annex NCID Employers' Liability and Public Liability Insurance Report 1 v2 | xls 72 KB

Feasibility Study

Prior to the inclusion of employers' and public liability in the NCID scope, the CIWG recommended that the Central Bank produce a study on the merits and feasibility of including employers' liability and public liability data in the NCID which can be seen below.

Feasibility Study - Including Employers and Public Liability Data in NCID | pdf 502 KB

Read the Cost of Insurance Working Group: Report on the Cost of Employer and Public Liability Insurance (January 2018)

Reporting Requirements

View the NCID reporting requirements.