Legal Notices

Inquiry Hearings

Inquiry Hearings take place under the Administrative Sanctions Procedure (ASP) with Inquiry Guidelines prescribed by the Central Bank of Ireland pursuant to Section 33BD of the Central Bank Act 1942, as amended.

Prohibition Notices

The Central Bank may issue a Prohibition Notice prohibiting an individual from performing a controlled function for a specified period or indefinitely if we form the opinion that an individual is not of appropriate fitness and probity.

Enforcement Actions

The Central Bank may enter into an agreement with a regulated entity to resolve a matter if, on reasonable grounds, we suspect that a regulated entity is committing or has committed a contravention of financial services law.

Irish Financial Services Appeals Tribunal (IFSAT) Decisions

IFSAT is an independent tribunal which hears and determines appeals brought against certain decisions of the Central Bank. IFSAT publishes previous decisions on its website,

Revocation Notices

A list of Revocation Notices issued by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Adverse Assessments

An Adverse Assessment may be issued on behalf of the Central Bank following an assessment into alleged contraventions of the Securities Markets Regulations