Central Credit Register – lenders must enquire from 30 September
18 September 2018
Press Release
- All lenders considering consumer loan applications of €2000 or more will be obliged to enquire on the Central Credit Register for a credit report.
- Credit reports are available free of charge for consumers.
- Credit reports include information on credit cards, mortgages and overdrafts and personal loans since 30 June 2017.
From 30 September next all lenders considering loan applications of €2000 or more will be obliged to enquire on the Central Credit Register for a borrowers credit report. In addition lenders may obtain credit reports if borrowers seek to restructure a loan, are in arrears on any loan repayments, or are seeking a loan under €2,000.
Lenders have been submitting information on credit cards, mortgages overdrafts and personal loans to the Central Credit Register monthly since 30 June 2017. Credit reports are available free of charge for consumers (subject to fair usage), and will contain information on these types of loans.
Moneylenders and local authorities have been able to submit information to the Central Credit Register since March 2018 and may also now make enquiries. Information on hire purchase and Personal Contract Plans (PCPs) will be included once legislation has been amended.
The Central Bank is committed to serving the public interest by safeguarding monetary and financial stability and working to ensure that the financial system serves the needs of the economy and its customers over the long term. The Central Bank uses the Register to get better insights into the overall level and patterns of lending in the economy.
Information on lending to businesses has been submitted to the CCR since 30 March 2018. Business loans will be included on credit reports once data quality can be assured.
Further information www.centralcreditregister.ie or read our explainer on our Consumer Hub.