Fitness and Probity Requirements, PCF Assessment and Ongoing Compliance By Sector

The Fitness and Probity Regime places obligations on Regulated Firms in relation to the ongoing application of the Standards of Fitness and Probity and in terms of seeking Central Bank pre-approval for individuals who are proposed to take up a PCF.

Due to certain variations in the regulatory requirements and PCF assessment process for different sectors, details of regulation, PCF authorisation and assessment have been categorised by sector. For each sector, information is available to assist Regulated Firms and individuals performing CFs and PCFs to comply with their Fitness and Probity obligations:

  • Regulatory requirements
  • Roles subject to the Fitness & Probity Regime and Minimum Competency Code
  • Statutory codes and guidance documents.

More Information By Sector

Credit Institutions

Credit Unions

Brokers / Retail Intermediaries

Other Financial Service Providers