Decision Making Process for Major Policy Proposals 

Major Policy Proposals Including Any Public Consultation Exercises

The Central Bank of Ireland is a member of the Eurosystem, which consists of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the National Central Banks (NCBs) of the Member States that have adopted the euro. This group of institutions is responsible for conducting and implementing the single monetary policy for the currency union with the primary objective of maintaining price stability. Read more about monetary policy proposals.

Payment Systems

The Central Bank of Ireland has an important role in the oversight of payments systems and in the development of payments systems policy, both in the domestic and European context.

Economic and Statistical Analysis

The Central Bank of Ireland undertakes data collection, statistical analysis, economic analysis and research designed to inform economic policy making across a wide range of areas. The results of the Central Bank's extensive analysis are conveyed to government, the financial sector, academia and the general public through a number of different channels.

Consultation Papers

The Central Bank of Ireland issues Consultation Papers when enhancements to the regulatory framework are being proposed and further information is available in the associated policy. The consultation process provides an opportunity for the Central Bank to engage with stakeholders on a particular topic and to get comments/feedback in relation to the proposed changes.

Background Information Relating to Major Policy Proposals and Decisions

Consultation papers published on our website include the relevant background information relating to major policy proposals and decisions.

Reports on the Operation of Public Services by the FOI Body


Expenditure Reviews, Policy Assessments