Disclosure Log and Miscellaneous Information 

Freedom of Information Statistics

The below provides a summary of FOI requests received by the Central Bank of Ireland from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. For further details on non-personal requests received during the year, please refer to our Disclosure Logs below.

Total FOI Requests


Requests Completed1

 (as at 31 December 2023) 

Responded to Within

Statutory Timelines 

Answered late

(deemed refusal)

Requests Ongoing

(as at 31 December 2023)

 80  76  76  0  4

Types of Information Requested2

(statistics below relate to completed requests in the period and do not include ongoing requests)

 Total Requests Completed



 Non Personal



76  8  58  10
Granted Part Granted3

Handled Outside

of the FOI process

Refused4   Internal Reviews Requested5
 4  20 17





 Media  Individual Other
 16  47  13


  1. Total FOI requests received and responded to during the reporting period may differ depending on the dates they were processed.
  2. Personal - requests relating to personal records; Non-personal - requests for records not containing personal information; Mixed - requests for a mix of personal and non-personal records
  3. Includes (1) requests where some records were provided and some records were not held, and   (2) requests where some records were provided and some records were  not provided (e.g. exemptions/exclusions applied).
  4. Breakdown of refused requests below     
    • Total FOI requests received and responded to during the reporting period may differ depending on the dates they were processed.
    • Personal - requests relating to personal records; Non-personal - requests for records not containing personal information; Mixed - requests for a mix of personal and non-personal records
    • Includes (1) requests where some records were provided and some records were not held, and   (2) requests where some records were provided and some records were  not provided (e.g. exemptions/exclusions applied).

    5. An Internal Review is the first stage in the appeals process of a decision made under the FOI Act 2014.

    Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

Freedom of Information Disclosure Log - Q1 2024 (Non-Personal Requests) | pdf 566 KB Freedom of Information Disclosure Log 2023 (Non-Personal Requests) | pdf 118 KB Freedom of Information Disclosure Log 2022 (Non-Personal Requests) | pdf 120 KB Freedom of Information Disclosure Log 2021 (Non-Personal Requests) | pdf 265 KB Freedom of Information Disclosure Log 2020 (Non-Personal Requests) | pdf 618 KB Freedom of Information Disclosure Log 2019 (Non-Personal Requests) | pdf 616 KB

Disclosure logs from 2016 are available on request – please email [email protected]

Freedom of Information Requests from Media

Log of media requests and records released.

Reports and Publications

The Central Bank publishes a wide range of publications which reflect the work of the organisation.

Commercial Publications and Relative Charges

The Central Bank does not currently publish any publications on a commercial basis.

Information Sought on a Regular Basis

The Central Bank of Ireland regularly publishes

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